Medaliile noastre

Winery certified VIA

Korea Wine Challenge


International Wine Contest Bucharest

Decanter World Wine Awards - London

Wine Festival ADAR
Crama noastra

Vizitarea cramei, o experienta memorabila
Sortimentele de vinuri LacertA, castigatoare a numeroase medalii de aur la concursuri de specialitate, sunt acum gazduite intr-o crama noua, moderna, deschisa vizitatorilor domeniului viticol.
Arhitectii tirolezi V. Miklautz si M. Gaertner au creat o experienta arhitecturala care a devenit un punct de reper al intregii regiuni.

Cultivam 6 varietati de vin rosu si 6 varietati de vin alb.
Asortimentul LacertA include varietati internationale: Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Burgund Royal, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Rheinriesling, Muscat Ottonel and Chardonnay, precum si varietati autohtone precum Feteasca Neagra sau Feteasca Alba.
Colectii speciale

Echipa noastra cauta, elaboreaza si incearca sa ofere cele mai bune solutii clientilor cu care lucram. Dupa dezbateri lungi si intense, ne bucuram sa va prezentam colectiile noastre:
- 1. The Vintage Collection - vinuri deosebite, de colectie
- 2. LacertA Cuvee Grand Prix - campionii stau intotdeauna impreuna
- 3. LacertA Dolce - blande, nobile, invioratoare, o desfatare a simturilor
- 4. LacertA Gift Collection - extravaganta, eleganta, calitate
Aparitii in media
Romania rising as New World of wine in ‘old’ Europe
Walter Friedl, the Austrian co-owner of Lacerta winery: “We are here at 45 degrees of latitude and we have conditions like in Bordeaux or Tuscany,” he adds, speaking from his vaulted cellar, where wine matures in oak barrels made in France, Hungary and Russia as well as Romania.

Romania rising as New World of wine in ‘old’ Europe - By Isabelle Wesselingh
“The conditions to make wine here are world-class,” says Walter Friedl, the Austrian co-owner of the Lacerta winery. Friedl and his Romanian business partner Mihai Banita run an 82-hectare (200-acre) estate in Romania’s southern Dealu Mare region, about an hour’s drive from Bucharest.

Romania on way to breaking new vistas for red and white wines in Old World Europe
So far Romania, the sixth-biggest wine producer in the EU is exporting only three percent of it's wine output, far behind countries like France or Italy.

Romania rising as New World of wine in ‘old’ Europe
But while Romania may look like a newcomer on the international wine map, the country is actually rediscovering a tradition dating back to antiquity and praised by the Latin poet Ovid.